how to use django-background-tasks

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I am making a django application. To calculate the rank of the feeds based on lines and comment, I am trying to use django-background-tasks. the function I am using in nodes models is:

    def get_score(self):
        p = self.likes+self.comments    # popularity
        t = (now()  # age_in_hrs
        # last_activity =
        n = self.admin_score
        score = (p/pow((t+1), 1.2))*n
        self.score = score
        return score

But I am not seeing any change in score. That means that I am doing it in a right way and i am missing the basic concept. Can somebody tell me how to use django-background-tasks to schedule task or refer me to some existing documents.


There are 4 best solutions below


You seem to be using it the wrong way.

Let's say you have to execute some particular task say, send a mail 5 minutes after a user signs up. So what do you do is:

Create a task using django-background-task.

def send_html_mail_post(id, template):
    u = User.objects.get(id=id)
    user_email =
    subject = "anything"
    html_content = template.format(arguments)
    from_email, to = from_email, user_email
    text_content = ''
    msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, text_content, from_email, [to])
    msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")

The decorator at the top defines after how much time of the function getting called upon is the actual event gonna happen.

Call it when you need it.

def create_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created:
        up = UserProfile.objects.create(user=instance)
        tasks.send_welcome_email(, template=template)

This creates the task and saves it in database and also storing in db the time when it will be executed.

The kind of thing you want to do, doing something at regular intervals, that can more easily be done by creating cron job.

What you do is, you create a function as you have shown in the question. And then define a cron job to call it every 5 minutes or whatever interval you want.


You should run python process_tasks as described here. You can add it to crontab to execute periodically.


  1. You don't need to run process_tasks using crontab cause this command internally sleeps every 5 seconds (this value is configurable) and then again checks whether there is any task to run.
  2. Your task looks strange. You should declare it as global function in separate file and pass id of model inside it, fetch object by id do calculations and save your object.

There is a difference between django-background-task and django-background-tasks. django-background-task was unmaintained and incompatible with newer Django versions. We updated and extended it with new features a while ago and maintaining the new backward compatible package django-background-tasks on Github. The new django-background-tasks app can be downloaded or installed from the PyPI.


Since the question seems to be quite generic, I believe this is the right place for a quick cheat sheet about "how to use django-background-tasks" based on my personal experience. Hopefully I won't be the only one to use it :)


  • Python 3.8
  • Django 3.1


I like pipenv so:

> cd [my-django-project root directory]
> pipenv install django-background-tasks

Now add 'background_task' to INSTALLED_APPS in

    # ...
    # ...

and perform database migrations to ensure the django-background-tasks schema is in place:

> pipenv shell
(my-django-project) bash-3.2$  python migrate

Creating and registering a Task

Any Python function can be a task, we simply need to apply the @background annotation to register it as such:

from background_task import background

def do_something(s1: str, s1: str) -> None:
   Does something that takes a long time
   :param p1: first parameter
   :param p2: second parameter
   :return: None

Now we can call the function as usual in our project:

do_something("first parameter", "second parameter")

It is important to note that calling the function does not actually execute its code; rather a Task record is stored into the database by the "django-background-tasks" module, more precisely into the "background_task" table. For this reason, writing a task function that returns something is of little use, because the task is going to be executed in background at a later moment anyway, so the "value" returned by the function at the time it is invoked is almost meaningless. The only use case I see for a return value is for testing purposes, see the Testing a Task section below.

Processing Tasks

In order to actually run a registered task we have to employ the following management command:

> python process_tasks

Please refer to the module's documentation for a description of the command options. As other users have already pointed out, it is usual to wrap this command in a cron job to make sure tasks are periodically processed. In this case, the duration option might turn out to be useful: it represents the number of seconds the process_task command is kept running. By default the duration is 0, which means "run it forever" but this is quite risky in my view, because if for some reason the command crashes or is interrupted, your tasks won't be processed anymore and a long time might pass before you realize it.

A better way is to set the duration to a well defined time, for example 15 minutes, and then configure a cron job to run every 15 minutes to restart the processing command. This way if the command crashes it will get restarted by the cron job later anyway.

Testing a Task

Testing a task via the "process_tasks" administrative command is awful, we should stick to Python unittest module for that, which is also the "Django way".

I am not going to discuss about unittest in this post of course, I only want to point out that during a unit test you want to execute the function in a synchronous way, just like a normal Python function. The syntax for that is as follow:"first parameter", "second parameter")

The modifier "now" runs the function and wait for it to terminate. This is the only use case when a return value is useful in my view. With a return value at hand you can use the full power of the "assert*" functions provided by unittest.

Checking if a Task is already running

Sometimes it may happen that you don't want the same task to be run multiple times. For example I frequently use background tasks for training Machine Learning models, which takes a lot of time. To prevent my data to be messed up, I prefer to make sure that another training task on the same model cannot be started before the previous one is complete.

For this to work, I have to check if the task is already running before starting a new one; but how to uniquely identify a task? For me the simple way is to assign a "verbose_name" to the task, which can be done at the time the task is scheduled:

do_something("first parameter", "second parameter", verbose_name="my_task_verbose_name")

Now, if I want to check whether this task is already running or not, I can simply read the background_task table and verify there is no task with the same "verbose name" therein. This can very easily be done by leveraging the Task model provided by "django-background-tasks" itself:

from background_task.models import Task

tasks = Task.objects.filter(verbose_name="my_task_verbose_name")
if len(tasks) == 0:
    # no task running with this name, go ahead!
    # task already running

Needless to say, we have to make sure the verbose names assigned to our tasks are unique.

Further Readings

Django Background Tasks documentation