IE8 jQuery propagation - Click anywhere on screen activates scroll

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This jQuery code works great on all browsers except IE8. What happens is that when I click anywhere on a page in IE8, whether on a link, a div or just in the white space, it will activate the scroll event. I think it is a propagation problem, and I have nailed it down to a specific chunk of jQuery (see comments in jQuery below), but I'm not sure how to change it so that it works correctly in IE8. It should obviously only scroll when the element chosen is clicked.


$(".scroll, .tobottom, .video-cta").on("click",function(e){
    var target = "#" + $(this).data("target") + " h1";
    $("html, body").animate({
        scrollTop: $(target).offset().top
    }, {duration: 2000, easing: "easeInOutQuint"});


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There are 1 best solutions below


On my previous answer that I deleted, the OP stated he was using jQuery 1.11.1, which rules out my idea that he was using jQuery 2 which does not support IE 8.

As per the W3C Validator, the code you posted contains 44 errors including unclosed container elements. Internet Explorer cannot handle invalid HTML as well as other browsers, and without standards compliant code, browsers can behave unpredictably.

These are the most notable errors...

  • Line 6, Column 70: A meta element with an http-equiv attribute whose value is X-UA-Compatible must have a content attribute with the value IE=edge.

  • Line 92, Column 21: Unclosed element div.

  • Line 77, Column 96: Unclosed element div.

  • Line 93, Column 22: End tag section seen, but there were open elements.

  • Line 132, Column 22: End tag section seen, but there were open elements.

  • Line 131, Column 21: Unclosed element div.

  • Line 155, Column 22: End tag section seen, but there were open elements.

  • Line 154, Column 21: Unclosed element div.

  • Line 140, Column 89: Unclosed element div.