Implicits Confusion

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The following polymorphic methods compile:

import spire.math._
import spire.implicits._

scala> def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2 * d
foo: [A](d: A)(implicit evidence$1: spire.math.Numeric[A])A

scala> def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2 + d
foo: [A](d: A)(implicit evidence$1: spire.math.Numeric[A])A

However, if I change the integer 2 to the double 2.0 the compiler complains about not finding an implicit value

scala> def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2.0 + d
<console>:19: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: spire.algebra.Field[A]
       def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2.0 + d

scala> def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2.0 * d
<console>:19: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: spire.algebra.Field[A]
       def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2.0 * d

I have tried to understand some of the other questions and answers on SO but I am none the wiser on how to solve this.


There are 2 best solutions below


I find the clearest way to see what's going on with implicits is to use reify (your IDE may provide similar functionality):

scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.reify
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.reify

scala> reify { def foo[A:Numeric](d : A) = 2 * d }
res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Unit] =
  def foo[A](d: A)(implicit evidence$1: Numeric[A]) = implicits.literalIntMultiplicativeSemigroupOps(2).$times(d)(evidence$1);

And looking in the spire source we see:

final class LiteralIntMultiplicativeSemigroupOps(val lhs: Int) extends AnyVal {
  def *[A](rhs:A)(implicit ev: Ring[A]): A = ev.times(ev.fromInt(lhs), rhs)

This is an implicit class that makes a * method available on Ints, provided the value on the right (d in your code) is some A which forms a Ring (which any Numeric A will). So your first example works. But in the second example there's no such implicit (no LiteralDoubleMultiplicativeSemigroupOps or the like), so the second example doesn't compile.


To expand on the answer from lmm:

to add or multiply something of type T to an integer, spire requires just the spire.algebra.Ring[T] typeclass, which spire.algebra.Numeric[T] extends.

See for example LiteralIntAdditiveSemigroupOps in spire.syntax.Ops

to add or multiply something of type T to a double, spire requires an instance of the spire.algebra.Field[T] typeclass, which spire.algebra.Numeric[T] does not extend.

See for example LiteralDoubleAdditiveSemigroupOps in spire.syntax.Ops

The reason for this design decision:

The result of e.g. adding an Int to a T has to be T. So you need a way to convert an Int to T. This is available for spire.algebra.Ring[T] (the fromInt method). To convert an integer n to T, just use the one element of T and sum it n times using the + operation of T.

The result of e.g. adding a Double to a T has also to be T. But for that you need a way to convert a Double to a T, which is much more complex and is only available in spire.algebra.Field[T] (the fromDouble method). Take a look at the generic fromDouble method in Field. It is some pretty complex code that makes use of the div operation of Field[T], which of course does not exist on Ring[T].

How to modify your code

If you really want to multiply with a double for whatever reason, you have to modify the method like this:

def foo[A: Field](d: A) = 2.0 * d