Insomnia MultiPart Mutation

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here is another screeshothere is a screenshot of my Insomnia workspaceI'm trying to define my "operations" with type Text(Multi-Line) with this content below :

  "query": "mutation ($number: String! $countr: String! $image: Upload!){
    create(number: $number, countr: $countr, image: $image){
  "variables": {
    "number": "99999",
    "countr": "Abc",
    "image": null

but Insomnia notify me this below :

Parse error on line2: {"query": "mutation ($number:---------^ "Expecting" : "STRING", "NUMBER", "{", "[", "UNDEFINED", ...

but once I sendind the query, I'm receiving this below :

{ "timestamp": 1602665134654, "status": 422, "error": "Unprocessable Entity", "message": "", "path": "/graphql" }

Can someone help me tofix this issue? Thanks!


There are 1 best solutions below


Define "operations" with JUST Text type.

I'm not sure of your business logic, but if you use DefaultGraphQLServletContext.getFileParts(), then this method will judge the "operations" as a file not a text.