JS-Data error: attrs must contain the property specified by idAttribute - with hasMany relations

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Here's the error: http://puu.sh/lXzja/f773fb6c9a.png

The primary key for my user model is username. The primary key for my routes is the routename. My api returns jsons inside data:{} as per jsonapi.org specs. Thus the id attribute is not in the top-level, as js-data demands. This is why I return data.data in the afterFind for 'users'. I tried to do something like that in 'routes' but it's an array of routes. The console log in beforeInject gives me:

result in beforeInject

Here's the config:

    name: 'users',
    idAttribute: 'username',
    basePath: apiEndpoint,

    relations: {
        hasMany: {
            routes: {
                localField: 'routes',
                foreignKey: 'username'
    // set just for this resource
    afterFind: function(resource, data, cb) {
        // do something more specific to "users"
        cb(null, data.data);

    name: 'routes',
    idAttribute: 'routename',
    basePath: apiEndpoint,
    cacheResponse: true,
    relations: {
        belongsTo: {
            users: {
                parent: true,
                localKey: 'username',
                localField: 'users'
    beforeInject: function(resource, data) {
        // do something more specific to "users"
        return data.data.routes;

Here's where I try to load my routes but get that err:

  resolve: {
            user: function($route, DS) {
                var username = $route.current.params.username;
                return DS.find('users', username).then(function(user) {
                    DS.loadRelations('users', user.username, ['routes']).then(function(user) {
                    }, function(err) {

There are 1 best solutions below


Not only is your data nested under a "data" field, but a "routes" field. So when you find the routes, you're trying to inject something like:

  routes: [{
    // foreignKey to a user
    username: 'john1337',
    // primary key of a route
    id: 1234

when you need to be injecting:

  username: 'john1337',
  id: 1

Add an afterFindAll on your routes resource to cb(null, data.data.routes).

You'll either need to:

A) Add lots of "after" hooks to all your Resources or

B) Make the deserialization generic so it works for all Resources. Perhaps something like this?

DS.defaults.afterFind = function (Resource, data, cb) {
  cb(null, data.data[Resource.name])
DS.defaults.afterFindAll = function (Resource, data, cb) {
  cb(null, data.data[Resource.name])