Load image to uiimageview based on the selected target in Xcode

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I'm trying to create two applications from same codebase. These application will have same functionality but different logos, app name etc. I have created two targets with different bundle Ids so now I get unique apps when running each target.In my app, I have a viewcontroller with an UIImageView. Now I want to assign an image to UIImageView based on the running target. So I created two assets folders.

  • Target1 -> Assest1 -> logo.png
  • Target2 -> Assest2 -> logo.png

logo.png is different file with same name.

How can I assign the correct logo.png to uiimageview based on the running target? Your help is appreciated.


There are 1 best solutions below


Ensure that your asset is in the correct target an then use the following method:

UIImage(named: "example", in: Bundle(for: YourClass.self), with: nil)

To obtain your bundle you could use your class to refer to your bundle:

Bundle(for: YourClass.self)