Mail::queue not sending email

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I'm stuck with sending emails with queues in Laravel 4. Let me describe my problem:

This works:

Mail::send('emails.validateEmail', array("username" => Input::get("username"), "code" => $code), function($message){
$message->to(Input::get('email'), Input::get('username'))
    ->subject('Some subject');

However this doesn't work:

Mail::queue('emails.validateEmail', array("username" => Input::get("username"), "code" => $code), function($message){
    $message->to(Input::get('email'), Input::get('username'))
        ->subject('Some subject');

I created failed_jobs table where I keep all failed jobs from worker and in that table I found this error:

{"job":"mailer@handleQueuedMessage","data":{"view":"emails.validateEmail","data":{"username":"some_username","code":"MMgNSoaFcyGoIy10sIKgkwUOdux3tM"},"callback":"C:38:\"Illuminate\\Support\\SerializableClosure\":155:{a:2:{i:0;s:126:\"function ($message) {\n    $message->to(\\Input::get('email'), \\Input::get('username'))->subject('Some subject');\n};\";i:1;a:0:{}}}"}}

Also I found this:

.. I followed all instructions from previous link but I'm keep getting this error message.

Does anyone knows how to solve this?

EDIT: emails.validateEmail file

Hello {{ $username }}!<br>

<p>some text</p><br>

<a href="{{ URL::route('validate') }}?code={{ $code }}&username={{ $username }}">{{ URL::route("validate") }}?code={{ $code }}&username={{ $username }}</a><br><br>

some more text

There are 1 best solutions below


Looking at your error job - it seems like it is passing in the Input::get() commands into the serialization, rather than the data from those commands.

So I think you need to do something like this to make it work:

$data['email'] = Input::get('email');
$data['username'] = Input::get('username');
Mail::queue('emails.validateEmail', array("username" => Input::get("username"), "code" => $code), function($message) use ($data){
    $message->to($data['email'], $data['username'])->subject('Some subject');