MyBatis error converting result into Java records with an association

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We are moving from using Java Pojo's as DTO's to records with the MyBatis framework.

The following two record types are used:

public record User(Integer cprid, String inlognaam, String upn, Boolean actief, String email, Locatie locatie, Collection<RoleExtra> rolesExtra) {}

public record RoleExtra(Role role) { }

The identifier of a user is the cprid. Location and Role are simple enums.

Having the following query in myBatis:

<select id="getAllUsers" resultMap="suezUserResult">
    SELECT g.inlognaam, g.cprid, g.upn, g.actief,, g.locatie, grl.rol
    FROM suez.gebruikers g
    LEFT JOIN suez.gebruikers_rollen_link grl USING (cprid)
    WHERE cprid = 107884
    ORDER BY g.naam

results in the tuples:

 inlognaam | cprid  |             upn             | actief |            email            | locatie |   rol
 msmith    | 107884 | [email protected]     | t      | [email protected]     | AMC     | ROLE_PI
 msmith    | 107884 | [email protected]     | t      | [email protected]     | AMC     | ROLE_PL

The resultmaps used:

<resultMap id="suezUserResult" type="">
        <arg column="cprid" javaType="java.lang.Integer"/>
        <arg column="inlognaam" javaType="java.lang.String"/>
        <arg column="upn" javaType="java.lang.String"/>
        <arg column="actief" javaType="java.lang.Boolean"/>
        <arg column="email" javaType="java.lang.String"/>
        <arg column="locatie" javaType=""/>
        <arg javaType="java.util.Collection" resultMap="roleExtraResult" />
    <id column="cprid"/>

<resultMap type="" id="roleExtraResult">
        <arg column="rol" javaType="" />

When invoking getAllUsers I get an exception:

Error instantiating class with invalid types
(Integer,String,String,Boolean,String,Locatie,Collection) or values 
(107884,msmith,[email protected],true,[email protected],AMC,**RoleExtra[role=Principal Investigator]**).
Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

It seems that MyBatis is trying to make two instances of User for each role ROLE_PI and ROLE_PL (hence the argument type mismatch) instead of one instance using the set of roles. What am I doing wrong?


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