Not able to generate Public file using jOOQ auto-code-generator using liquibase schema xml file

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I'm using Liquibase schema xml file to auto-generate code with jOOQ. If I use db connection for generation, then it creates the Public file in generated folder, but with liquibase schema it doesn't.

I want Public file to appear in the generated folder. Right now only these files appear -

enter image description here

I have tried giving in pom.xml as PUBLIC/public/Public but it isn't helping.

Why do I need Public file? - I want to use Table<?> table = PUBLIC.getTable("sometable") to get all the tables present.

Here is the pom.xml configuration:








Here is the liquibase script:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <databaseChangeLog xmlns:xsi=""
<changeSet author="Divyanshi (generated)" id="1647260645913-14">
    <preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN">
            <tableExists tableName="toBeDeleted2" schemaName="public"/>
    <createTable tableName="toBeDeleted2" schemaName="public">
        <column autoIncrement="true" name="id" type="BIGINT">
            <constraints primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="toBeDeleted2_pkey"/>
        <column name="addedAt" type="numeric"/>
        <column name="endTime" type="numeric"/>
        <column name="startTime" type="numeric"/>
        <column name="intervalCount" type="INT"/>
        <column name="targetTable" type="VARCHAR(100)"/>
        <column name="updatedColumn2" type="numeric"/>

<changeSet author="Divyanshi" id="finalUpdate">
    <renameColumn tableName="toBeDeleted2" remarks="finalUpdate update" oldColumnName="updatedColumn2"
                  newColumnName="finalUpdate" schemaName="public"/>

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