Outlook MailItem Save/SaveAs

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I have an outlook add-in that allows the user to save an email into a database. When the user does save the email I modify the email subject so it can be identified as being saved.

Saving the email can happen in two ways. Via a button on the tool bar which allows the user to save any email they want, and also via a prompt which appears when a new email is put into the Sent Items folder. Both methods use the same form to save the email!

OK, now to the problem ....

In the process of saving the email I use the mailItem.SaveAs method to put it into the file store. After this has completed successfully i want to change the subject of the email which still exists in outlook to say that it has been saved successfully. I do this by changing myItem.Subject and then using the mailItem.Save method to save the change.

The above works perfectly when the email isn't being saved via the prompt method. So when the user tries to save the email after they send it the mailItem.Save method does not work.

I have narrowed it down to it actually working if i put the myItem.Save() line before the myItem.SaveAs() line, but obviously if I do this I can not guarantee the email was actually saved properly.

So does any one know of a reason that the mailItem.Save method would want to not work after the mailItem.SaveAs method as been called?

Thank you in advance to any suggestions to what might be the problem.

EDIT : Code

if (_item is Outlook.MailItem) { // if the incoming item is an Outlook mail Item
    // cast as a mail item
    Outlook.MailItem myItem = (Outlook.MailItem)_item;
    if (directoryExists(directoryTemp)) { // if the temporary directory exists
        bool _profiled = true;
        // copy the item as type .msg in the temporary location
        myItem.SaveAs(saveTemp, Outlook.OlSaveAsType.olMSG);
        // setup impersonation to copy the file to a secure location
        PImpersonateUser _iU = new PImpersonateUser();
        // do impersonation
        try {
            _iU.Impersonate("******", "******", "******");
            if (File.Exists(savefile)) { // if file already exists in the location
                // delete existing file
            // move the temporary file to the secure location with the proper name
            File.Move(saveTemp, savefile);
            string year = "";
            if (ipt_year.SelectedItem != null) { // else if year has been selected
                year = ipt_year.SelectedItem.ToString();
            _profile.profileEmail(folderString(_subject_), _fileName, year);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _profiled = false;
            // if impersonation fails cancel the impersonation
            // show error
            MessageBox.Show(e.Source + "\n\n" + e.Message + "\n\n" + e.StackTrace, "SaveAs() Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        } finally {
        if (_profiled) { // if the email was profiled successfully
            // mark the original email as being profiled
    } else {
        // if temporary file save fails throw error
        MessageBox.Show("Temporary Directory (" + directoryTemp + ") Does Not Exist!", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

and the markAsProfiled function ...

private void markAsProfiled() {
    if (_item is Outlook.MailItem) { // if the incoming item is an Outlook mail Item
        // cast as a mail item
        Outlook.MailItem myItem = (Outlook.MailItem)_item;
        // make sure subject doesnt already have a profiled flag in the subject
        _subject_ = _subject_.Replace("[PROFILED] - ", "");
        // add a profiled flag in the subject of the email
        myItem.Subject = "[PROFILED] - " + _subject_;
        // add a yellow flag to the email
        myItem.FlagIcon = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlFlagIcon.olYellowFlagIcon;
        // save email with changes made
        //MessageBox.Show("Mark as Profiled :: " + myItem.Subject + " :: " + myItem.Saved.ToString() + " :: ");

There are 1 best solutions below


if this is still relevant to you: You could use a self-defined column in which you could write wether the saving was successfull or not.

Example code:

 mail.UserProperties.Add("Profiled", Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText, true);
 mail.UserProperties["Profiled"].Value = "Yes";

The only disadvantage is that you've to add the field to the displayed columns in Outlook. (maybe that can be done programmatically)

About why your method doesn't work: I could imagine that Outlook doesn't like it when you change the subject of an email after it was sent.