php bug? reading mime enc on a 1 byte file?

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So I was encountering a smaller problem in my PHP code, which I suspect it being a PHP bug? if not, then what am i doing wrong.

(the part of the code that caused the error, NOT all of my code)

$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_ENCODING);
$mime_enc = finfo_file($finfo, $root.$file); // <-- this is the error line

This specific code ONLY caused an error when reading a 1 byte file (a file with 1 character in it) it did NOT throw errors when checking mime of a 0 byte or 2+ byte file

( ! ) Warning: finfo_file(): Failed identify data 0:(null)

using: Wampserver 2.5 (32 bit) windows 7


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