"//"-prefixed JSON return giving inconsistent results

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I have a cfc function which is called via ajax. It accepts a merchant code (either a single code or comma-delimited list of codes), performs some checks and I/O, then returns a flag.

NOTE: We have enabled the CFAdmin setting "prefix JSON with '//'" enabled for security reasons, which seems to be the root of the problem here.


There are only two possible returns from this function: A string (e.g. "qweqweqwe"), or "1".

The string is returned within the loop when an invalid merchant_code is encountered. "1" is returned after the loop as an indication of success of the entire process.

<cffunction name="createCategoryMerchant" access="remote" returntype="any" returnFormat="JSON">
    <cfargument name="category_id" required="true" type="numeric"/>
    <cfargument name="merchant_code" required="true" type="any" default="" hint="expect list of merchant codes"/>
    <cfset var qChk = 0 />
    <cfset var qIns = 0 />
    <cfset var vItem = "">
    <cfloop list="#arguments.merchant_code#" index="item">
        <!--- does merchant exist? --->
        <cfquery name="qChk" datasource="#DSN#"> 
            select id from merchant
            where merchant_num = <cfqueryparam value="#item#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />

        <cfif not qChk.recordcount>
            <cfreturn merchant_code> <!--- return bad code, e.g. "qweqweqwe" --->

        <!--- Has the merchant already been assigned to this category? --->
        <cfquery name="qChk" datasource="#DSN#"> 
            select unique_id 
            from category_merchant
            where category_id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.category_id#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />
            and merchant_code = <cfqueryparam value="#item#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />

        <cfif qChk.recordcount>
            <cfcontinue> <!--- silently accept and bail out, even though already exists --->
        <!--- insert record if code is legit --->
        <cfquery name="qIns" datasource="#DSN#"> 
            insert into category_merchant (category_id, merchant_code)
            values (
                <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.category_id#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" />,
                <cfqueryparam value="#UCASE(item)#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />

    <cfreturn 1>


In the code below, I have included two different ajax call options which I have tried, and each produces different results as noted in the code comments.

    var clickedID = $(this).attr("id");
    var category_id = clickedID.split("_")[1];
    var merchant_code = $('#merchant_code').val();
    merchant_code = merchant_code.replace(/\s/g,'');

    if(merchant_code.length == 0){
        $('#resAdd').show().html('Enter merchant code');

        // OPTION 1: Note I have used "dataFilter" to handle the "//" prefixed JSON

              url: '/system.cfc?method=createCategoryMerchant',
              data: {category_id:category_id,merchant_code:merchant_code},
              dataFilter: function(data, type) {return data.substr(2)},
              dataType: 'json',
              success: function(res) {
                  alert(res);  // This only fires for INVALID codes, i.e. if the cfc returns a string such as "qweqweqwe". Doesn't fire for a single numeric return, e.g. "1"                
        // OPTION  2:           

            alert(res); // This only fires if the code is VALID, i.e. the CFC returns "1". It does not fire if the invalid code "qweqweqwe" is returned

NOTE ALSO: Only the invalid code returns with the "//" prefix. If a "1" is return, this is not prefixed.

enter image description here

If I disable the CFAdmin setting "prefix JSON with '//'", then all the problems disappear. I would prefer to use ajax option 1 above, but need to know why it apparently just silently fails to process the returned flag "1" for valid data.


The problem may simply be that the dataFilter attribute in option 1 is working with a returned value that is not prefixed by "//". Then why is it that the "1" is not returned with the "//" prefix, whereas "qweqweqw" DOES have the prefix?


There are 1 best solutions below


I've resolved this using:

<cfreturn serializeJSON(1)>

This seems to manually add the "//" prefix to the "1". Not sure why it was absent in the first place.