Prepare Online and On-Premise version of web application

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I have an application which we have to developed for two purpose

  1. Online - There will be a super admin user you will create companies in the system and these companies can access their system on our application. For example our application is hosted on so admin will login at and he creates a company and assign him a URL Now company users can use their company URL ( and start using the system.
  2. On-Premise - In this option application will be deployed on company's own hardware and only company's part of the application will be available for them. admin ( section will not be available in On-Premise option.

Is there any way to do both the things in same web project and while publishing project for On-Premise use exclude the admin portion files otherwise complete application will be published.


There are 1 best solutions below


What about using build configurations to exclude certain folders by settings their build action?

Then you could add a configurtion called OnPremise and edit the project file to set Build action to exclude for the admin folder.

Something like the second anser here: Different build action for debug and release builds in Visual Studio