RegisterExpandoAttribute - Throwing Error

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Recently, I discovered that using: someControl.Attributes.Add("customAttr", "customVal") is not compatible with all web browsers. The recommended registration for custom attributes is:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterExpandoAttribute(someControl.ClientID, "customAttr", "customVal")

Okay, here's the problem. I am using a ListView to generate a custom control. In certain scenarios, the ListView must be refreshed/recreated. When this happens, and a ListView item attempts the register (in this case, re-register) the expando attribute, the page throws the following error:

An entry with the same key already exists.

Obviously RegisterExpandoAttribute() does not behave like the Page.Cache object where if a key already exists, the current value is overwritten. I can easily hack my way past this problem but I wonder if there is a more elegant solution to this. For example, there is no method like: Page.ClientScript.IsExpandoAttributeRegistered(...)

Any ideas?


There are 1 best solutions below


If you're creating a custom control, try doing the RegisterExpandoAttribute call during the control PreRender. I was having issues with the attribute still being registered if the control had been removed and doing that fixed my issue. I would imagine that if you're calling RegisterExpandoAttribute in the PreRender for the control then it shouldn't be called more than once per page load.