Segmentation fault while using const_cast to overload a constant function

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I'm having some problems with the const_cast function. I created a class Calorimeter that consists of a CaloGrid and some other stuff. I have to overload the grid() function to return the CaloGrid belonging to the class Calorimeter, however calling the main function returns a segmentation fault.

I know that using const_cast is not the best practice, but for this assignment I have to use it. Simply duplicating the code for the const CaloGrid& grid() const for the non-constant function would probably work.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way of doing this? And what is the point of overloading the function with a const copy of the function?


int main() {
// create 2x2 Calorimeter object
Calorimeter C(2,2);
// return the CaloGrid class from this object
// gives segmentation error



// Calorimeter is object with CaloGrid of dimensions nx by ny
Calorimeter::Calorimeter(int nx,int ny){
// initalize the grid and allocate memory
    Cgrid = new CaloGrid(nx,ny);

// delete memory
    delete Cgrid; 

// return the grid
const CaloGrid& Calorimeter::grid() const{
    return *Cgrid;

// segmentation error
CaloGrid& Calorimeter::grid(){
    return const_cast<CaloGrid&> (Calorimeter::grid());



class Calorimeter {

public:    // Interface


    const CaloGrid& grid() const;

    CaloGrid& grid();

private:   // Implementation

CaloGrid *Cgrid;



There are 5 best solutions below


Here's your class method:

CaloGrid& Calorimeter::grid(){

What does it do? Well:

return const_cast<CaloGrid&> (Calorimeter::grid());

It calls Calorimeter::grid(), and applies const_cast to its return value? What does this Calorimeter::grid() do? See above.

The issue of what const_cast does, and whether or not it's the right thing to do is irrelevant. This class method calls itself, resulting in infinite recursion, and your program blows quickly, as it runs out of its operating system-allotted stack space.

Although it's not quite clear what you're trying to do here, the answer as to the reason of your segfault is quite simple: infinite recursion.

The recursive call does not invoke the other, overloaded, const class method. This is being called from a mutable class method, so it picks the mutable overload, again.



return const_cast<CaloGrid&> (Calorimeter::grid());

You are infinitly calling grid(). Since the grid function is non const Calorimeter::grid() will call the non const version of the function again, which calls the non const version again which, well, you get the point.

If you want to call the const version of the function then you need to cast this to const. You can do that with

const_cast<const Calorimeter&>(*this)

So with that your full code would look like

return const_cast<CaloGrid&>(const_cast<const Calorimeter&>(*this).grid());

If it doesn't look right it is probably the tears getting in your eyes from the code.


Expanding on the other posts, you may want to consider writing it this way:

#include <memory>

struct CaloGrid {
  CaloGrid(int x, int y) {};

class Calorimeter {

public:    // Interface

    // no destructor - it's not necessary

    const CaloGrid& grid() const;

    CaloGrid& grid();

private:   // Implementation

  // resources managed automatically    
  std::unique_ptr<CaloGrid> Cgrid;

// Calorimeter is object with CaloGrid of dimensions nx by ny
Calorimeter::Calorimeter(int nx,int ny)
  : Cgrid { std::make_unique<CaloGrid>(nx, ny) }

// return the grid
const CaloGrid& Calorimeter::grid() const{
    return *Cgrid;

// no error any more
CaloGrid& Calorimeter::grid(){
    return *Cgrid;

int main() {
    // create 2x2 Calorimeter object
    // now we can use move-construction
    auto C = Calorimeter(2,2);

    // return the CaloGrid class from this object

The raw pointer has been replaced with a smart pointer. This gives us (at least) 2 advantages:

  1. Resource management is automated, so we can't forget to delete the CaloGrid, or accidentally delete it twice.

  2. Calorimeter inherits the copy/move capabilities of the smart pointer (in this case, dangerous unwanted copies are disallowed but we get to keep moves and move-assignments)

Furthermore, although the grid method now repeats code, it repeats trivial code. The class has become much easier to both use correctly and maintain.


What you need is the following

CaloGrid & Calorimeter::grid()
    return const_cast<CaloGrid &>(const_cast<const Calorimeter *>(this)->grid());

Otherwise the non-constant member function grid is recursively calls itself.


I'm having some problems with the const_cast function.

It's an operator, not a function.

I know that using const_cast is not the best practice,

It is bad practice if you design your code's architecture such that const_cast cannot be avoided. It can be an acceptable real-life workaround if const correctness has already been violated elsewhere (e.g. in libraries you have to use, although well-designed libraries do not suffer from such shortcomings).

but for this assignment I have to use it.

Says who?

Simply duplicating the code for the const CaloGrid& grid() const for the non-constant function would probably work.

Yes, and it would be best practice. Just do it.

What am I doing wrong?

You've been a bit too eager to apply the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. This has made you write code which has accidentally caused the infinite recursion problem explained by Sam in the other answer.

And what is the point of overloading the function with a const copy of the function?

The const overload allows you to call the function on a Calorimeter const object.

It's like std::vector::operator[], just to name a prominent example. Operations like that often come in const/non-const pairs.

You can look up how your compiler implements std::vector::operator[]. There's a good chance it will just duplicate the tiny piece of code necessary and not use const_cast or other tricks.

By the way...

It may not be a good idea to have a function like grid() in the first place. It practically makes the private data member public.