SNMP octetstring, How do I "decode" it?

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I have a macro that reads the values from all printers at work.
There is one value I just can't decode.

Using this code

Set objSNMP = CreateObject("OlePrn.OleSNMP")
objSNMP.Open "", "public", 2, 10000
Debug.Print objSNMP.get(".")

I get this in the immediate window:

ß 0

enter image description here

When I use SNMPWalk I get this octetstring:

OID=., Type=OctetString, Value=  07 DF 06 14 0D 30 0E 00 00 00 00 00

From all that I can understand, the value in plain text should be 2015-06-20 since this OID is the date of installation of the machine.
And according to the webUI of the printer that is the date.

enter image description here

I have tried to find how to decode it using the MIB but I can't find anything about this value.

Anyone have any hints on decoding the octetstring?


There are 1 best solutions below


OCTET STRING is only used to pass bytes over the wire. You need to know the actual text convention for . from the MIB document, and that's

deviceInstallDate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "The install date of the device.  This information should be provided
         by the attached device"
    ::= { deviceEntry 7 }

You should decode the data following the rule of DateAndTime and I wrote about that in this article.