Spring Qualifier, service implementation when application starts

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(spring version is 4.1.6) I have a service Interface "ContractService" that retreives contracts of a person. 2 service classes ContratServiceImpl & ContratServiceImplWeb implementing this interface. ContratServiceImpl calls dao to retreive data ContratServiceImplWeb calls web service...

The Interface ContractService is used by another service (UTService):

    public class UTServiceImpl implements UTService {

        @Autowired @Qualifier(...<variable.propeties>...)
        private ContractService contractService;

Here are services implementing the interface that can be in

@Service("ContratServiceImplWeb") @Transactional(value="transactionManager")
class ContratServiceImplWeb implements ContratService {

@Service("ContratServiceImpl") @Transactional(value="transactionManager")
class ContratServiceImpl implements ContratService {

Configuration class
@ImportResource(value={ "classpath:sessionFactory-datasource-spring.xml", "classpath:contrat_factories.xml"} )
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.xxx.core.service.impl"
                              , "com.xxx.core.dao.impl"}
public class ContextCoreServiceConfiguration {


When my application starts I would like to "qualify" ContractService with ContratServiceImpl or ContratServiceImplWeb depending an external configuration file (.properties or XML) where bean names are set.

How can I do this ?

----- Last comments ------- contractServiceImpl & contractServiceImplWeb are set as @service and scanned by configuration.

In "UTServiceImple" class, 1 of the 2 classes need to be @autowired with a discriminating parameter (may Profile ?). This is not the only group of classes that is concerned.

Profile should not be the same from a couple to another. So, I have to set a profile for each group of classes ?


There are 3 best solutions below


I guess Spring profiles is exactly what you are looking for.

They let you choose a specific bean implementation dynamically based on a parameter (active profile).

For detailed information, please have a look here if you are using boot or here if using raw spring.


You are close. You want your ContractService declaration to look more like this:

private @Qualifier("contractServiceImpl") ContractService contractServive;

This of course presumes that your ContractServiceImpl bean was correctly configured and created, either manually or using the @Service or @Component annotation on your class.


I post the solution. I used @Profiles. It really feeds my needs. Thanks for having given me this information.

public class UTServiceImpl implements UTService {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UTServiceImpl.class);

    private VerificationHabilitationService verificationHabilitationService;

    private ContratService contratService;

Interface referenced in the main service

public interface ContratService {

    Set rechercheIdentifiantAdherent(String numeroImmatriculation);

Database Service

@Service("ContratServiceDb") @Transactional(value="transactionManager") @Profile("contratServiceDb")
class ContratServiceImplDb implements ContratService {

    private Logger logger = null;

    private ContratFactory contratFactory;

Web Service

@Service("ContratServiceWeb") @Transactional(value="transactionManager") @Profile("contratServiceWeb")
class ContratServiceImplWeb implements ContratService {

    private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ContratServiceImplWeb.class);

    private ContratFactory contratFactory;


@ImportResource(value={ "classpath:sessionFactory-datasource-spring.xml", "classpath:contrat_factories.xml"} )
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.xxx.core.service.impl"
                              , "com.xxx.core.dao.impl"}
public class ContextCoreServiceConfiguration {


For each implementation classe I define a Pofile : contratServiceDb, contratServiceWeb. When context is initialized I set active profile (using external properties file). Then, services matching profiles are autowired. See below :

String configCoreClass = servlet.getInitParameter("contextCoreConfigurationClass");
            String[] profiles = { PropertiesHelper.getProperty(PropertiesHelper.PROPERTY_SERVICE_CONTRAT)
            AnnotationContextCoreLocator.getInstance().register( Class.forName(configCoreClass) );