Unwrap Optional Value from Dictionary

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I'm having an issue unwrapping a value thats stored in an Ordered Dictionary. I created a reproducible example.

I'm pulling data from a database and the format looks like ["isCompleted": Optional(false), "_id": Optional("62cef664008fd87e00e60667"), "body": Optional("run")]

I then create a Document object and store that in a list of those objects (in this sample there is only one).

I'm trying to display the value of the Ordered Dictionary in the Document Object, but can't seem to unwrap the Optional value no matter what I try.

import SwiftUI
import OrderedCollections

class ContentViewModel : ObservableObject {
    var orderedDict = OrderedDictionary<String, Any?>()
    @Published var docsList: [Document] = []

    init() {
        let doc: [String: Any?] = ["isCompleted": false, "_id": "62cef664008fd87e00e60667", "body": "run"]
        for (key, value) in doc {
            self.orderedDict[key] = value
        self.docsList.append(Document(id: UUID().description, value: self.orderedDict))

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var viewModel = ContentViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        ForEach(viewModel.docsList, id: \.self) { doc in
            if let val = doc.value["isCompleted"] {
            if(doc.value["isCompleted"] != nil) {
                Text(doc.value["isCompleted"]?.debugDescription ?? "")
            Text(doc.value["isCompleted"]?.debugDescription ?? "")
import Foundation
import OrderedCollections

class Document : Hashable, Equatable{
    static func == (lhs: Document, rhs: Document) -> Bool {
        lhs.id.description == rhs.id.description
    let id: String
    let value: OrderedDictionary<String,Any?>
    init(id: String, value: OrderedDictionary<String,Any?>) {
        self.id = id
        self.value = value
    func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

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