Using pickerInput's selection to delete leaflet markers

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I am currently building a dashboard in shiny that consists of a map with certain locations marked out with markers. I also have a pickerInput selection on my sidebar.

I'm trying to make it such that when the user selects a selection from the pickerInput, the marker corresponding to that input disappears.

below is my code: I am not sure how to proceeed

#dashboard page
main_page <- nav_panel(
    full_screen = TRUE,
    card_header("Please select closed cafes."),
      sidebar = sidebar(pickerInput("Options", "Select cafes to Close:", choices = location, multiple = TRUE, options = list(container = 'body'))),
#displaying map
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    m <- leaflet() %>%
      addTiles() %>%
      setView(lng = default_longitude, lat = default_latitude, zoom = default_zoom)
#adding markers
m <- addMarkers(
      data = marker_data,
      lng = ~lng,
      lat = ~lat,
      popup = popupGraph(p),
      label = ~marker_data$location

i also have a marker_data dataframe with 3 columns: lat,lng,location.


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