I installed the Python 2.7.10 64 bit. I downloaded the latest Z3 sources from https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3. I copied the folder z3-master in the Python27 folder. Then, I opened the Visual Studio 2013 command prompt and build the z3 using instructions provided on the same github page. Build was successful. I added the 'PHYTHONPATH c:\Python27\z3-master\build\z3lib.dll'. Now, when I run any example from visual studio python, it give me an error on the first line, i.e.,
from z3 import * : The error is 'no module named z3'
If I run the example from python shell, it give error "init(Z3_LIBRARY_PATH) must be invoked before using z3-python"
I don't see any bin folder inside z3-master or in the build folder. How to use Z3py from within visual studio? Thanks
I have used the instructions given on the following link: Using Z3Py With Python 3.3
Actually, only the last two instructions (comment) worked for me. That's instructions are as follow:
**Another option is to use the precompiled DLL in the nightly builds for Windows 64-bit. This link has additional information: research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/leonardo/blog/2013/02/15/… – Leonardo de Moura Mar 25 '13 at 23:35
Thanks - Now I'm using my self-compiled unstable build with the libz3.dll file replaced by the one from the nightly channel and I didn't encounter any problems so far. – fdj815**
So, I simply went to the link, clicked on the "Nightly builds of Z3". Then click on the "Go to the Z3 Downloads page". Then, I downloaded the 64 bit pre-compiled zip file. Unzip it and added the path of bin folder to both 'PATH' & 'PYTHONPATH' environment variables. But in the Visual studio Python project, I still had to add 'PYTHONPATH' in the search paths of the project. It seems it doesn't automatically look into these environment variables.
Link to the nightly builds is: http://leodemoura.github.io/blog.html