Visual Studio deployment doesn't activate SharePoint feature

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I have a simple SharePoint project with one farm-scoped feature. The feature contains no modules; it just refers to an SPClaimProviderFeatureReceiver-derived class which in turn points to an SPClaimProvider-derived class.

When I tell the project to deploy, it does successfully add the assembly to the GAC, and does successfully create Feature.xml within a folder in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES, and gives this output:

------ Build started: Project: xxx, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
  xxx -> E:\xxx\bin\AnyCPU\Debug\xxx.dll
  Successfully created package at: E:\xxx\xxx.wsp
------ Deploy started: Project: xxx, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Active Deployment Configuration: Default
Run Pre-Deployment Command:
  Skipping deployment step because a pre-deployment command is not specified.
Recycle IIS Application Pool:
  Skipping application pool recycle because no matching package on the server was found.
Retract Solution:
  Skipping package retraction because no matching package on the server was found.
Add Solution:
  Adding solution 'xxx.wsp'...
  Deploying solution 'xxx.wsp'...
Activate Features:
  No features in this solution were activated.
Run Post-Deployment Command:
  Skipping deployment step because a post-deployment command is not specified.
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

The deployed Feature.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Feature xmlns=""
   ReceiverAssembly="xxx, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6e7f8ba8e1265a7f"
   ReceiverClass="xxx" Scope="Farm" />

I'm concerned that it says that no features were activated. The WSP does show up in Central Administration Solution Management, but says that it "isn't deployed", and the feature doesn't show up in Manage Farm Features. When I click on Deploy in the web interface, it says "The solution was successfully deployed" (Why didn't VS do this??). But after that the feature still doesn't show up.


There are 3 best solutions below


skipping pre and post deployment command is only a warning because you haven't specified any command for these steps. in VS SharePoint tab (see Rahil answer on how to get there), you have 2 text boxes for writing your pre and post commands


In VS solution explorer, right click on project >> select properties >> select sharepoint tab Here you have different 'Active deployment configuration'. make sure you have selected appropriate configuration from drop down list. you can modify and view steps of each configuration.


If you get this kind of error while deploying your solutions to sharepoint environment, ensure that your project is not a sandboxed solution.

Click on your project, go to properties window in Visual Studio and change the value of Sandboxed Solution from true to false. Rebuild your project and deploy.