zend framework 2 set_exception_handler in ActionController

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I try use the "set_exception_handler" function for capture my ActionController exceptions.

Inside any view e.g. index.phtml this code works ok, the view show Helloooo.

    namespace App;
    echo $this->doctype();

    class Fun {
        static function exception_handler(\Exception $ex){
            echo "Heloooo";
        function method(){
            throw new \Exception('One Exception');
    $f = new Fun();

I don't understand because the same code inside ActionController.php, set_exception_handler() doesn't catch the exception. In this case the view shows the zend exception template with the "One Exception" message.

By the way, the exception stack doesn't show any Warning message, then I assume that set_exception_handler() parameter is well.

    namespace App\Controller;
    use Zend\....... //All namespaces used

    class Fun {
        static function exception_handler(\Exception $ex){
            echo "Helloooo";
        function method(){
            throw new \Exception('One Exception');
    $f = new Fun();

    class MainController extends AbstractActionController {
        //The Controller Code (in this test it doesn't execute).

I think Zend Framework uses any technique for catching Controller exceptions in other level. Please does somebody have any idea for do it?


There are 1 best solutions below


I have to correct my previous post. It seems to be a known bug of ZF. Have a look at this:
