How do I tell R package Limma what to use as "targets" in read.idat()?

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I am analyzing some microarray data. For each donor, I have a "before intervention" and an "after intervention" idat file. I have successfully read these into R using the Limma package with the read.idat() function. However, the resulting object only has one column in targets: "IDATfile". I believe that if I was using read.ilmn() I would specify a targets.txt file but I can't see this option when using read.idat(). E.g. in the Limma user guide Illumina example, the targets are "Donor", "Age", and "Cell Type". How do I tell Limma what to put as targets? I would like to have "Donor" and "Intervention".

An example of what I mean:

idatfiles <- dir(pattern="idat")
bgxfile <- dir(pattern="bgx")
x <- read.idat(idatfiles, bgxfile)
[1] "IDATfile"

Instead of "IDATfile", I would like this to be "Donor" and "Intervention". I can include some other columns of the original IDAT files as further targets by doing read.idat(..., dateinfo=TRUE), but I don't know how to edit these columns to make them "Donor" and "Intervention":

[1] "IDATfile"   "ScanInfo"   "DecodeInfo"

Let me know if any more info is needed, really appreciate any help!


There are 1 best solutions below


If you want to simply edit colnames you can use:

colnames(x$targets) <- c("Donor")

But I think rows are samples in the target dataframe so is that really what you want?

targets data.frame containing information on the target RNA samples. Rows correspond to samples. May have any number of columns.